quinta-feira, setembro 15, 2005


Said I've paid all my dues for what i've done
And I showed you that I love you more than once
Theres nothing left there to deside
Said you might trick me once
I won't let you trick me twice
Freedom to us has alwayz been a trick
Freedom to u has alwayz been who ever landed on your dick
Seen it in your one to many times
Said you might trick me once
I won't let you trick me twice no

Might trick me once
I won't let you trick me twice
Might trick me once
I won't let you trick me twice no
Might trick me once
I won't let you trick me twice
No I won't let you trick me twice

Those days are old and overdone
And it's only cause i'm not with you that makes me number one
Though I may love you
I hurts me deep inside Oh
Now you no longer have to hide

I used to be down with the late night hit
Started gettin' heavy when I really wasn't ready
Used my class to get in my mind
So I fell for your lies like all the time
I thought you were the shit to be playin around
Call the police theres a mad girl in town
Could'nt get even here without a sound
It's not how I wanna get down Yeah You

::: É isso ai Kelis! :::

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Engana-te se pensas que nunca foste enganada. Ledo engano teu "amiga", ledo engano

Anônimo disse...

Mazzá criatura burra que não consegue nem entender em inglês.. a letra fala que a moça não será enganada pela SEGUNDA VEZ!

Anônimo disse...
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